What Is a Den in an Apartment — and What Are Its Benefits?

As much of the world has shifted to working from home as a result of the pandemic, the way we think about our living spaces has changed: while we once went to a gym, many renters now seek a gym in their building. Kitchen tables and make-shift desks have replaced offices. Some people choose to host more often in lieu of going out.
With these lifestyle changes, renters are beginning to ask more out of their apartments – and apartment dens, a relatively new yet growing trend, are a great way to answer this need by providing more space without the full cost of another bedroom.
What is a den in an apartment?
Both one- and two-bedroom apartments can come with a den, which is an extra alcove of space that’s large enough to accommodate additional usage but small enough that it doesn’t necessarily qualify as an extra bedroom. A space is designated as a den if it doesn’t have windows or a closet; for this reason, some buildings also refer to dens as a ‘flex space.’
A great example of an apartment with a den is Elevate, located at 930 W. Altgeld Street in Lincoln Park, or the Amli Lofts, located at 850 S. Clark Street.
What are the benefits of a den?
Beyond having extra footage, a den can provide space for activities, needs and hobbies beyond a bedroom, sitting room and kitchen. Not every one or two-bedroom apartment has a designated area for working from home, and a den could be the difference between working from your ‘office’ or working from your couch.
Dens in two-bedroom apartments can be particularly useful in this case: if you live with your partner or a roommate, a den allows for separate, private spaces for working – ensuring that both you and your partner are set up for success (and not talking into each others’ ears!).
Lastly, if you’re clever, a den can be a fantastic storage solution: by adding nice bookshelves, storage cubes or space-saving furniture, you can stash any overflow items not contained by other rooms.
For some renters, a den is a fantastic option – while others opt for an additional bedroom to allow for overnight guests, storage or an office.
If you’re on the hunt for a new apartment in Chicago, we can help! Our team of brokers are ready to talk through the benefits of different types of apartments and help you find a home that fits all of your needs. Contact us to get started with our complimentary apartment-finding service!
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