Moving to Dog Friendly Chicago Apartments

February 9, 2015 | By Luxury Living Staff
Reading Time: 3 Minutes

There are many things to consider when moving to dog-friendly Chicago apartments. One major concern for pet owners is will their dog adjust to high-rise living?

The answer is yes, absolutely! The adjustment will be much easier than you think, too.

(Want to learn more about Moving to Chicago? Click HERE!)

Here are a few questions we get from our clients with pets:

1.) Will my pet be lonely in the apartment?

Your pet won’t be any lonelier than living anywhere else. If you’ve always worked from nine to five and your schedule isn’t changing, then there should be no difference in the amount of time your pet will spend on their own.

In fact, there are many dog-walkers in Chicago happy to come to your apartment and take your pet out or visit with them during the day for a small fee. Ask your doorman for a few suggestions and phone numbers of some dog walkers so you can do further research into pricing and what is included in your dog’s walk.

2.) My dog is used to being out in a yard all day. Now, what?

If you have a particularly high-energy breed of dog or larger dog, there are many doggy daycare options in Chicago. They will even come pick your dog up in the morning and bring them back to your downtown Chicago apartment at the end of the day. These doggy daycares have large, open spaces for dogs to run and play and in nicer weather have outdoor space as well.

3.) I am concerned about potty training my pet. What should I do?

Don’t be. Yes, there will be new smells in the hallways and elevators, and maybe your dog has an accident or two, but it shouldn’t last long. Dogs adjust very quickly because they already know to look for grass (or their favorite fire hydrant) where the good smells live.

Many downtown Chicago apartment buildings even accommodate with dog runs on site for those rainy, snowy, late nights, or lazy mornings. You can take your dog out to do their business and come back in faster than you can say “Dandie Dinmont Terrier” three times fast.

For example, Optima and 73 E Lake have indoor dog runs in their private garages, OneEleven has an indoor dog run (and doggie spa), 500 Lake Shore has a dog run attached to the outside of their building just for residents, as well as, a doggie spa. Jones Chicago has an indoor/outdoor heated dog run on their amenity floor.

And for smaller dogs, owners have even put grass pads on their balconies – there are companies that will come and exchange the grass pad for you – how easy is that?!

4.) What if my dog barks? Will I get kicked out?

Whether in a house or a downtown Chicago apartment, if your dog is a constant barker, some good training classes can help. If, however, your concern is your dog will bark more because of their new surroundings, they will adjust naturally. Your dog might bark at some new noises, like neighbors walking in the hallway or another dog passing your door. As they adjust to their new sounds and smells those barking episodes should subside. When living in a luxury Chicago apartment, if a neighbor does complain to management about your barking dog, management will notify you first and try to help solve the problem.

5.) Where will my dog play?

Downtown Chicago has become much more dog-friendly in the past 10 years. Besides the random patches of grass and flower beds, there are quite a few designated dog parks where the dogs can play both off and on the leash. For those that have dogs that like to run for a distance, the lakefront path is a great place to get some exercise with your dog!

Find Dog Friendly Chicago Apartments


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